Interest rates are, indeed, rising!

Interest rates are, indeed, rising!

With the holidays behind us, conventional 30 year rates are now in the low 3’s with the anticipation of moving higher in the near future. The Fed made promises to raise rates at least 3 times in 2022.  15 year terms are still in the 2’s.   ...
The Low Rate Window is Closing

The Low Rate Window is Closing

Rates, while historically low, are beginning to rise. Market signs suggest rates will continue to slowly rise throughout 2022. If you are on the fence about a refinance or looking to buy, you still have an opportunity of a lifetime to lock in a low fixed interest...
Interest rates are, indeed, rising!

Rates and Closing Costs Down

The first half of 2021 has rates remaining stable in the mid to high 2’s, and housing prices still rose due to low supply and high demand.  The economy softened, inflation talk is common, businesses are showing signs of recovery from the impact of the...